Monday, October 29, 2007

Week Ten- Online Libraries and Databases

Lecture Summary

The lecture discusses online libraries and databases. Online libraries are very useful and accessible. They provide a large number of resources and provide up to date journals. Online libraries can be accessed at any time, and the electronic format makes it quick and easy to make notes and reference. Types of online Libraries include: journals; electronic books; music; artworks and repositories. Online Libraries do have limitations with some requiring a paid subscription to use. Referencing must be done correctly to avoid plagiarism and copyrights acknowledged. Online databases are a collection of data characterised by data fields. They are similar to online libraries and provide a search system which allows you to search through information. Types of online databases include: news and media; maps and weather and government information for example. The advantages of online databases include: current information; electronic format; comprehensive; available at any time and they are reachable. Disadvantages of online databases are: advertising; too much information, and they may be difficult to navigate. Both online libraries and databases are useful research tools that are generally up to date and provide valuable information.

Workshop Tasks- Week Ten

1. I have logged onto and searched the ECU online library.

2. Online Library functions

  • Reference Service- The librarians provide basic to specialised research services and offer a 24 hour email reference service.

  • The Liberty service provides modules designed to assist information searches.

  • The Multimedia Resources service provides tuition on computer multimedia.

  • The Document Delivery System allows student to request for loans of materials from other libraries to assist their research.

  • The Loans service allows students to loan materials from the library.

  • The ECU referencing guide is available to student online.

  • Podcasts are available to download.

  • Library Workshops and tours are available to student.

  • The Ask the Library provides three services to enable a quick response to student questions.

  • The Loans Desk staff are there to help students use the library.

3. I have visited the website provided.

4. I used the search engine to research Anemia (iron deficiency) and found lots of useful information.

5. I went through the massage therapy tutorial. The tutorials are informative and a good way to learn adopt health. I will definitely use the site again.

6. I think people interested in their health and people looking for information regarding health issues they might have would use the site. It seems credible so i think people would take some valuable information away.

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